8580 cryptocurrencies
Total Market Cap $116,941,687,948,505
Total Volume 24h $10,965,573,523

Era Swap Token Era Swap Token star

-0.0001 (-4.27%)

Era Swap Token (ES) is a decentralized utility token currently based on Ethereum blockchain (ERC20) which will be used on multiple platforms for exchange of services (P2P), avail discounts, get rewards and many more utility.

Era Swap Life is Single Sign On (SSO) gateway which provides access to multiple utility platforms accepting Era Swap (ES) Utility token Era Swap users can add their wallet to access the platforms which offers multiple solutions to community members.

Era Swap Ecosystem includes interlinked multiple platforms where Era Swap Tokens can be utilized for exchange of services, availing discounts, getting rewards and other utilities. Era Swap Team will identify and help build more such platforms in future which are built for the community and willing to incorporate ES reward system.

Market share 0.00%
Proof type
Open $0.0035
Low $0.0033
High $0.0035
Price in BTC 0.00000003679401 BTC
Current Supply 4,129,550,336 ES
Total Supply 9,100,000,256 ES
Market cap $13,822,687
24h Volume (coin) 0 ES
24h Volume (currency) $0
Last updated 2025-01-13 08:27:13 -06:00 CST
ID Market Type Price Quantity Total
Date Price Volume

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